Friday, September 14, 2012

Drabblecast Episode Art!

A few weeks after graduation I reached out to the Drabblecast, and audio fiction podcast specializing in the Weird and the Strange. I got the opportunity to do the cover art for this week's episode, number 256: "Roanoke, Nevada," by Edward J. Knight. You can check the story out by subscribing on iTunes, or just heading over to They run a great show over there.

Here's a higher resolution version of the cover. Go check out the podcast to get the context!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Bat Returns

Here's the finished pencil test of my little Bat vs. Golf Ball animation!

I've had this sitting around for about a week, actually. I plan on taking this to full color. This is probably the last WIP I'll post until it's done, but I may put up some color stills as I work on it...? We'll see.

Monday, September 10, 2012

"Pterosaur" is an order, "Pterodactyl" and "Pteranodon" are genera.

And these are Dimorphodon. Well, with plenty of artistic license.

The painting is the result of me messing around with my new setup this weekend. Same with the sketches, really. Of all the various prehistoric monsters, the pterosaurs and the dromaeosaurs are the ones that really appeal to me. I think it has to do with how bird-like they are, although I'll spare everyone the amateur paleontology lecture.

Anyway, here are some sketches of a particularly cartoony D. macronyx, mostly with absurd headgear concepts. The general consensus is that pterosaurs had hair instead of feathers, but pterosaurs are famous for ridiculous headcrests, so I went a little birdish with these.

Check them out after the break!