Thursday, December 6, 2012

King Arcen the Bold

At the Battle of Rainbow Bridge, he hewed the heads of fifteen giants, and drank their blood from a silver-plated skull. Of all the Fairy Kings, he is the first to arms and the last to leave the battlefield. It is said that his hooves on the green earth to sprout with white lilies, that turn bright red before they wither and die. His sword is thunderbolt iron, his mane is holy fire, and his horn is solid gold.

He is Arcen the Bold, Arcen-Cel,  Fairy King and Father of Unicorns.

I finally had a good excuse to draw this character. He's been hanging around the back of my head for at least a year in various forms, and with multiple backstories. I've been super busy since CTN, and I still have a whole bunch of stuff I'm going through. We'll see what happens.

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